Plans to convert a derelict store into accommodation for local residents have been refused.

A proposal to renovate the former Acorn Garage on Helvellyn Street, Keswick, and create local occupancy flats was submitted in July, with the applicant hoping to develop five maisonettes within the building.

The plans also outlined creating five new car parking spaces, as well as five bicycle storage spaces.

A total of 11 letters of objection were received in relation to the plans, with issues raised including; lack of parking, restricting light to nearby properties, disruption to fell views, as well as having a "significantly negative impact on the surrounding homes, businesses [and] road safety in this area".

One concerned neighbour said: "With the proposed development the key concern is if a vehicle reverses from the site rather than exiting in a forward gear.

"There is effectively zero visibility of a pedestrian, in particular a child who are using the footway on Hellvellyn Street."

Another shared their fears regarding increased noise pollution and bad smells, writing: "We estimate that there will be at least 15 wheelie bins stored to the rear of the property, based on current refuge and recycling provision for five properties.

"All properties that surround this proposed building, including our own bedrooms, look out on to the rear of the development.

"The storage of 15 wheelie bins will be at the very least be an unpleasant sight, but together with the potential smell in such a close proximity, is not acceptable."

Due to these concerns, the Lake District National Park Authority refused the plans.

The decision notice stated: "The proposed development would be harmful to the amenities enjoyed by occupants of the surrounding residential properties due to loss of light, loss of privacy and overbearing from the building and noise from the activity in the parking area."