RESIDENTS are being encouraged to contact Cumbria’s police and crime commissioner with any concerns about road safety.

Peter McCall is welcoming people to contact him about safer driving in the county and will be responding to issues raised at his Safer Roads public surgery on November 9 between 1-3pm.

A key priority for the commissioner and Cumbria Constabulary is to reduce the number of fatal and seriously injured casualties in crashes on the county’s roads, with dedicated officers proactively patrolling the highways, stopping vehicles and engaging with the public on the dangers they face.

“A large part of my role as police and crime commissioner is to hear the views and concerns from local residents of Cumbria and time and time again, people talk to me about their concerns for road safety in the county, such as speeding vehicles, drivers using their mobile phones while on the move and drink/drug driving,” said Peter McCall.

“I am committed to improving road safety and promoting safer driving in Cumbria, and I encourage people to get in touch, tell me about their concerns and identify any problems they have in their community and surrounding area.

“In Cumbria we focus on what we call the ‘Fatal Four’, which are the four most likely contributors to a road traffic collision. They are speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, using a mobile phone and incorrect use of seatbelts or child seats.

“Each one of these on its own has the potential to be a contributory factor in somebody being killed or seriously injured. Importantly they are also behaviours that road users can be directly responsible for and control.

“Keeping people safe on our roads is an issue that everyone can be involved in. Individuals, families, friends and communities all have a role to play in helping to promote safer driving in county, and I hope people use this opportunity to get in touch and let me know their concerns.

“It is only by working together that we can promote safer driving in Cumbria, improve road safety and ultimately, help save lives.”

Mobile Support Group Inspector, Steve Minnikin said: “One of the Constabulary’s priorities is to reduce the number of fatal and serious injured casualties caused in road traffic collisions on the county’s roads.“The Mobile Support Group work within the Casualty Reduction and Safer Highways Group which takes a multi-agency approach with partners to tackle road safety issues within the county. The group, which also includes local councillors, meets monthly to address local and countywide issues, and direct how partners can work together to enhance safety and reduce risk. “We use an intelligence-led approach to identifying those drivers who cause the community the most risk in using the roads and we do target them. In addition, we are identifying and concentrating patrols on areas which evidentially show increased levels of vehicle borne anti-social behaviour, road collision issues and those that are a key community concern.”

If you would like to raise any concerns or suggestions, contact Peter McCall at or call 01768 217734